- Added "Minimize windows to Dock" (with realtime previews under Vista with Desktop Composition enabled)
- Added ability to store all settings in "Settings.ini" (for portability)
- Added Icon Activation FX options
- Added Hover Effect option
- Added Icon Opacity option
- Added Zoom Opaque option (Fades Icon Opacity to 100% when zooming)
- Added Zoom "Plateau" mode (like "Bubble" only flat at the peak)
- Added the ability to set a negative Edget Offset (down to -15px)
- Added Popup on Mouseover Delay option
- Added Behavior Settings area
- Added ability to have multiple custom icon folders
- Added ability to browse executable files as "folders" for icon resources
- Added support for Vista icon resources
- Improved Icon Transitions
- Added "Running Task Indicators"
- Added "Open Existing Application Instance"
- Added a simple Clock Docklet
- Changed Recycle Bin Icons to have 2 states
- Added a hot key to toggle RocketDock visibility (CTRL+ALT+R)
- Fixed multi-monitor issue with RD forgetting your setting when connecting/disconnecting monitors (or using Remote Desktop).
- Fixed Icons adding to the end of the dock.
- Fixed many window layering issues (Icons and Labels)
- Fixed Vista UAC awareness issue
- Icons now maintain image size ratio
- Improved icon resource support
- Fixed Thread/Handle leak
- Fixed Icon Settings crashing in the System32 directory
- Fixed icons being reloaded when canceling the Dock Settings window
- Lock Icons now prevents you from dragging in new icons, but allows you to drag onto other icons.
- Fixed Docklets forgetting their icon image
- Fixed special shortcuts loading incorrectly (My Computer, iTunes, Office)
- Fixed Icon / Separator shifting glitch affecting "pixel-perfect" skins
- Changed Separator spacing to 1/2 that of a normal icon.
- Fixed random Icons not sliding (usually after pressing cancel in the Dock Settings window)
- Fixed AutoHide working while in Settings windows.
- Fixed crashing when right-clicking on the context menu. Right clicking is now functional as well.
- Fixed relative paths not executing properly.
- Ported hooks to C++ and merged into a single dll (RocketDock.dll)
- Added German and French documentation
- Optimized bubble algo and label rendering...
- Minor bug fixes that I can't remember :)
- Complete rewrite of rendering code
- Improved performance on systems with newer video cards. Older systems will vary in performance
- Icons now slide and transition smoothly like the OS X dock
- Icons and docklets now bounce when launching or getting your attention
- Icons now do a "poof" animation while deleting
- Icons now are solid so you cannot "click through" transparent areas by mistake
- Added support for RK Launcher skins
- Improved support for skins that use tiling (in various formats)
- Better ObjectDock Docklet SDK support
- Popup on Mouseover no longer interrupts fullscreen applicaitons
- Drag 'n Drop from the Start Menu now works
- Dropping files/folders onto folders in the dock now performs a copy operation
- Dropping files/folders onto any ReycleBin icon will now act properly
- Dropping files/folders onto programs on the dock now launches the
program with the dropped file as an argument (much like explorer)
- Added a new error catching system to ensure that RocketDock loads
properly. If it has a problem loading it will now ask you if it should revert to defaults
- Redesigned zoom algorithm to solve visual glitches and to support new effects
- Massive restructuring and organization of the entire project
- Simplified and (hopefully) fixed thread syncronization...
- Added "Update" menu item when right-clicking on the dock
- Popup on Mousover now works when using "Always on Top" layering
- New option to treat all your monitors as a single large one
- Fixed a nasty bug where RocketDock would crash while loading
- Fixed separators vanishing durring drag operations
- Fixed unnecessary saving when items are locked and you try to drag one
- Fixed Icon Labels appearing under the dock skin
- Removed Screenshot capabilities due to the new rendering system. This may return in a future version
- Settings are now stored in HKEY_CURRENT_USER\\Software\\RocketDock
- Removed Monitor clipping due to the new rendering code...
- Added WindowsXP Icon (ICO) support
- Improved EXE/DLL Icon Resource Support
- Added full documentation
- All New Icons and 14 New Skins by ZaK (zakar.deviantart.com)
- 2 New Skins by dlb (www.crystalxp.net)
- Added "Zoom Flat" effect for zooming icons without a bubble
- Added "Edge Offset" for positioning the dock
perpendicular to the edge of your screen ("Offset" is now known as "Centering")
- Added "Add Item->Blank Icon" for convenience when
adding icons manually (like a website URI)
- Changed "Hide Icon Labels" to have a realtime preview
- Improved "Change Folder" option so that "Icons\" remains
- Uninstaller now removes the RocketDock folder in the Start Menu
- Fixed a nasty MouseHook.dll handle leak (and renamed to MouseHook2.dll to prevent conflicts)
- Fixed a leak in the Icon Settings "Icons" SysListView32 control
- Fixed a leak in the Icon Settings "Preview" Static control
- Fixed 6 tiny handle leaks throughout RocketDock in random directory listing code...
- Fixed "Default Icon" button not working on most items
- Fixed "Add Item" not appearing when right-clicking on the
dock skin (not selecting an icon)
- Fixed "Popup on Mouseover" flickering when in "Normal"
Layering mode
- Fixed dock locking up using AutoHide+PopupOnMouseover and
dragging an icon out
- Fixed RocketDock animating under the mouse when covered by
another window
- Fixed Mouseover Activation only working when cursor was in
Trigger Area... Now it just needs to be over the dock (or the Trigger
Area if blocked by a window)
- Fixed Settings window getting hidden in Always on Bottom
and Normal layering modes (especially with "Popup on Mouseover" enabled)
- Fixed major ThreadSync bug causing docklets to fail
- Fixed incorrect implimentation of ObjectDocklet SDK
GetPath functions
- Fixed bug causing iTunes docklet to not update the song
- Fixed bug where docklet labels wouldn't update if you kept
your mouse over them
- Rewrote some code to avoid a layered window / DirectShow
bug that was causing blank screens in some media software
- Removed Separator on "Add Item" popup menu when there are
no Docklets
- Added option to use UberIcon effects as the 'attention'
- Added basic support for ObjectDock Docklets.
Drag 'n Drop is still not supported
- Added real-time preview for the Icon
Settings image selector
- Added more AutoHide options
- Control+Drag can now move locked Icons
- Optimized DragIcon rendering
- Optimized auto-saving when Icons are dragged
- Improved ObjectDock skin loading
- Converted all Astro and Proto skins to the Mobydock format
to keep them looking the same w/ the newly improved skin support
- Disabled skin-rotation for all skins made for docks that
don't support skin-rotation... This will make them appear more like
they did in their original docks...
- Removed some unneeded registry access
- Removed Quit button from the Dock Settings window
- Reorganized the popup menu
- Moved Mouseover Activation option to the Position tab.
- Fixed Mouseover Activation so that it works in Top,
Normal, and Bottom zOrder modes
- Fixed AutoRun path missing quotes (rarely causing a
long-pathname problem)
- Fixed Start In being left blank when a new file is dragged
in... Start In now defaults to the Desktop when left blank (like
desktop shortcuts do)
- Fixed some settings not saving on shutdown
- Fixed ghost label left behind after an autohide
- Fixed dock not autohiding when first run and when closing
options windows
- Fixed a rare zoom timer bug that wasted
precious cpu cycles
- Fixed Theme Opacity allowing 0% (couldn't add
icons / other problems)
- Fixed sticking Icons/Labels when using AutoHide
- Fixed major Zoom related bugs
- Fixed AutoHide oddities after closing option windows
- Fixed minor oddity w/ AutoHide+Zoom while in option windows
- Updated Creative Commons license to the new version 2.5
- Fixed bug allowing RocketDock to run multiple times
- Fixed Icon-Label centering bug
- Newly Supported / Improved Languages:
- Italian by LazyBoy
- Norwegian by Ozzy1
- Spanish by Edmundo Alvarez
- French by Alain Guignard
- Complete rewrite of core to be Unicode Compliant
- Support for Multiple Languages added
- RAM usage down from previous versions
- Huge speed boost when using ThemeOpacity below 100%
- Added "Always on Bottom" and "Normal" layering modes
- Added real-time previewing of more settings and improved
- Drasticly improved ObjectDock skin loading
- Painstakingly redesigned all the Icons again...
- All Icons are now free for commercial use and will soon be
available at a new site: http://www.antiartist.com
. We hope this will help out a few people with great ideas, and no
artistic skill (or money to buy some). Uggg, something in that foood
didn't agree with us ;)
- Added ability to duplicate Icons by holding
- Increased ZoomWidth range to allow up to "10"
- Improved efficiency when dragging icons out of the dock
- Added support for Environment Variables in Icon's Target
and WorkingDirectory
- Removed Dock automatically sizing down to fit the
constraints of your monitor... There were too many problems w/ games
changing resolution, and this feature is unnecessary
- Fixed various bugs with settings being saved at the wrong
- Fixed Zoom Setting changing while editing Icon Size
- Fixed gap remaining between icons when a new item was
dragged in, and then out of the dock
- Fixed Screenshot bug with hidden labels
- Fixed z-ordering of icon labels
- Fixed skin rendering when size is invalid
- Fixed CPU draining after Auto-Hide option is turned off
(until RD is restared)
- Fixed Dock Settings window not properly centering
- Fixed positioning bug when changing desktop resolution
- Fixed Separator positioning when separator's width was
equal to the space provided for it... (0 / 2 = random)...compiler bug?
- Fixed Separator and DragIcon wasting some RAM with unused
- Fixed incorrect thread syncronization with the Icon
Settings window
- Fixed execution of special shell items (ie 'Startmenu \
- Fixed separator randomly appearing under newly dragged in
- Newly Supported Languages:
- Brazillian Portuguese by Flitz
- Bulgarian by the_TAHK
- Czech by FutureMillennium
- Dutch by surfer
- French by KrK
- German by stenosis
- Hebrew by Danimal3
- Japanese by keng0
- Russian by zhuchok
- Swedish by P@itor
- Traditional Chinese by Nelson
- Fixed CPU draining when moving the mouse
- Fixed bug preventing real-time preview of some options
- Fixed missing scrollbars on Icon Folder-View
- Added AstroLife Skin
- Replaced foood icons with ugly PSW icons
- Added Auto-hide option
- Added Auto-run option
- Screenshots are now numbered as "Rocketdock-*num*.png" on
the desktop
- New Dock Settings window layout (Firefox-esque)
- Fixed bug with relative icon paths... All icon paths are
now fully qualified
- Fixed bug with context menu displaying some items as
- Fixed bug with context menu handling invalid items
- Bug fix for Dock Settings Icon (That actually works)
- Clears your settings
- Bug fix for Dock Settings Icon
- Rewrote special item handling... "My Computer" type icons
can now be dragged in
- Rewrote Icon Loading
- Improved Shortcut loading
- Rewrote Icon Settings to be Shortcut-like
- Fixed Windows 2000 Compatibility issues
- Now includes the redistributable Gdiplus library